First Posts are always the hardest

This is my first post EVER on a blog. It has been the hardest to start. I was a little panicky!

When I decided to start a blog, I picked up a few books from the library, and downloaded some free how-to e-books. I was a little worried. If I couldn’t find the time to read up on how to start a blog, how could I find the time to write a blog?  So this may be a recurring obstacle, but I will do my best.

All the books will tell you the first thing about starting a blog is deciding on a name, which has much to do with what you’re writing about.  All of this could change, however, as your life changes… Where to begin? A name that says who I am, so that people can find me, but not so narrow that I would have to change it should the subject of the blog change. So, I chose TexasHach4, and right now, I’m all about homeschooling, or 85% about homeschooling, the rest may appear random!

Lastly, just to get started, you have to decide what your blog will be about. I have always wanted to start a blog to talk about homeschooling and curriculum, but I didn’t want to be a curriculum reviewer. (There are way too many of those out there!). I’m not an expert on curriculum, but in talking to mom’s on a day-to-day basis, I have learned much about curriculum. In attending Education Expo’s as a retailer, I’ve learned some things about trends. So I hope to share some of the things I have learned, share some of the questions and comments of other home school moms as we make contacts, and provide a forum in which to discuss what works and doesn’t work for other home school moms.

Another part of this blog, will be about my own kids, and they will also help to contribute to the blog. My son is experimenting with all kinds of programming and publishing. So he may contribute time to time to see how his programming works on a live site. Come back often to see those! It should be rather interesting and entertaining!

Also, I have a couple of friends that have been homeschooling for much longer than I have. They may appear with some guest articles to share their expertise in homeschooling or curriculum or just being a mom of homeschooled kids!

Should be fun! Email me if you think I haven’t published in a while! I like encouragement, and need to know someone is out there!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

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